Novo Nordisk

Novo Nordisk has used AccountAbility's Principle of Impact to assess and improve its bold ambition of reaching zero environmental impact, setting up clear and transparent benchmarks for both financial and pre-financial effects, and conducting broad, inclusive stakeholder engagement.
Global healthcare company Novo Nordisk has been using the AA1000 Series of Standards for over ten years, and continues to use the AA1000 Assurance Standard to ensure its sustainable business strategy is aligned to the AccountAbility Principles, as stated in its annual integrated report.
In particular, applying the Principle of Impact has strengthened Novo Nordisk's governance mechanisms and processes, providing needed direction and guidance.
Shared Novo Nordisk's Global Lead, Integrated Reporting, Ms. Cora Olsen:
“Novo Nordisk hugely appreciates how applying AA1000 drives our progress and improves the way we conduct our business. We’ve been applying the AccountAbility Principles for years and welcome the addition of the Principle of Impact… The Impact Principle is a holy grail.”