Stakeholder Engagement

Address the needs and expectations of those impacting and affected by your organization.

We help clients identify, map, prioritize, and engage with stakeholders to enhance trust and credibility through inclusive, relevant, and transparent engagement.


Building trust with critical friends

Identification, Mapping, and Prioritization

Identify and prioritize stakeholders based on their influence and impact on the organization. Determine the organization's most relevant stakeholders and their drivers for engagement.

Stakeholder Engagement Health Check

Review and evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the organization's stakeholder engagement strategies, programs, policies, and metrics.

Engagement Strategy Development

Customize an approach to Improving the effectiveness of engaging with the organization's critical stakeholders, including objectives, mechanisms, and outcomes.

Tailored Engagements

Conduct engagements customized to the unique needs of stakeholder groups, such as consumers, investors, media, suppliers, regulators, employees, and the community.

Engagement and Dialogue Facilitation

Facilitate open, independent, and constructive dialogue between the organization and its stakeholders.

Apply a variety of engagement methods, including surveys, townhalls, interactive workshops, focus groups, and practitioner & executive interviews, to capture, understand, and interpret stakeholder needs, perspectives, and expectations.

Sentiment Analysis

Gather, assess, and interpret the emotions, opinions, and attitudes expressed by stakeholders regarding the organization.

Communications and Reporting

Develop clear and transparent communication strategies to report back to stakeholders on engagement outcomes.

Let's talk

Engage with stakeholders that matter

What's New

AccountAbility News & Insights

AccountAbility Demonstrates Commitment to Stakeholder Engagement and Knowledge-Sharing in Partnership with Tractivity 
AccountAbility Releases Bridging Document to Clarify Differences between Sustainability Assurance Standards
AccountAbility Welcomes Sir Mark Moody Stuart to New York for Fireside Chat Focused on Board Governance and Corporate Leadership
What Lessons Do Climate Stripes Offer Business Leaders in 2025?
AccountAbility Publishes Arabic Translation of the AA1000 Assurance Standard v3
AccountAbility Virtual Roundtable: The Stakeholder-Driven Energy Transition
Meet the New Face of AccountAbility: Rethinking 30+ Years of Sustainability Leadership

How can we help?

Please contact us to learn more about our services.
AccountAbility is committed to protecting the privacy of our stakeholders’ data and information. To learn more, please review our privacy policy.
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