Materiality Review

Identifying the greatest areas of opportunity and risk, informed by stakeholder needs, priorities, and expectations.

Our materiality assessment services assist organizations in identifying, prioritizing, and addressing their sustainability challenges — consistent with their long-term objectives, business needs, and stakeholder expectations.


Prioritizing what matters most

Identification and Fair Representation of Issues

Distill and define the most relevant ESG issues for your organization through comprehensive evaluation of stakeholder input, regulatory landscape, industry trends and leading practices, and ESG frameworks, standards, initiatives, ratings and rankings.

Development of Clear and Replicable Assessment Criteria

Set clear objectives, identify and weigh relevant stakeholders and their representative input sources, and create a customized framework for data collection and analysis.

Alignment with Reporting and Standards Frameworks

Define what constitutes materiality in your context (e.g., impacts on financial performance, regulatory compliance, stakeholder expectations).

Stakeholder Outreach and Engagement

Develop a review process where the assessment materials can be evaluated and refined based on stakeholder feedback. Share results transparently, including how feedback will inform decision-making and strategy.

Impact-driven Evaluation and Double Materiality Approach

Prioritize ESG issues based on their financial impact on your organization as well as your organization’s external impact on society and the environment.

Risk and Opportunity Assessment

Assess the risks and opportunities associated with each material issue in alignment with the mandates of emerging frameworks, standards, and regulations.

Understanding and Disclosing Management Approach

Distill existing topic and risk governance mechanisms and make recommendations where material topic oversight deficiencies are identified.

Balanced and Transparent Disclosures of Progress and Impact

Detail how your organization is addressing its most material ESG challenges.

Let's Talk

Enhance your ESG strategy with effective materiality assessments

What's New

AccountAbility News & Insights

AccountAbility Demonstrates Commitment to Stakeholder Engagement and Knowledge-Sharing in Partnership with Tractivity 
AccountAbility Releases Bridging Document to Clarify Differences between Sustainability Assurance Standards
AccountAbility Welcomes Sir Mark Moody Stuart to New York for Fireside Chat Focused on Board Governance and Corporate Leadership
What Lessons Do Climate Stripes Offer Business Leaders in 2025?
AccountAbility Publishes Arabic Translation of the AA1000 Assurance Standard v3
AccountAbility Virtual Roundtable: The Stakeholder-Driven Energy Transition
Meet the New Face of AccountAbility: Rethinking 30+ Years of Sustainability Leadership

How can we help?

Please contact us to learn more about our services.
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